} Meaning of Oppressive, Carte Blanche, Meddle, Genteel, and Menial - Words In Sentences

Meaning of Oppressive, Carte Blanche, Meddle, Genteel, and Menial

Read the meaning of Oppressive, Carte Blanche, Meddle, Genteel, and Menial. Then read the words in a passage.

My father is an oppressive man who likes to control everything. Because he is such a domineering person, he would never allow me to have carte blanche and make my own decisions. My mother is similar in attitude, and she has the tendency to meddle in my love life, even going so far as to interrogate my dates when they pick me up at the house. You would think my parents would trust me because they taught me everything I know. I always act like a genteel woman, and I never fail to behave properly. I know if I don’t act like a polite young lady, my parents will make me perform harsh menial tasks like scrubbing the floors with an old toothbrush.


Oppressive – burdensome; holding a person down

Carte blanche – authority to make rules without asking permission from others

Meddle – to meddle into another person’s affairs

Genteel – polite and well-behaved

Menial – associated with duties generally managed by a servant

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